manufacturer of organochelates

Pre-sowing seed treatment 2023. “Zoloto Poley”.

How to get the maximum varietal potential? The company “Zoloto poley” has prepared a unique offer for its customers for the seed treatment season 2023.

The manufacturer of organochelate fertilizers, the “Zoloto Poley” company, offers its regular and new customers to take advantage of a unique offer during the season of pre-sowing seed treatment (pickling). The treatment scheme of three O-RISE preparations together with a mordant (SZR).

  1. The “All-inclusive” O-RISE preparation – “Seeds” based on extracts from lowland peat contains humic, fulvic acids, as well as organic compounds of 20 types of AMINO ACIDS, macro-, meso-, and trace elements with stimulating properties and fungicidal activity. It increases field germination, enhances germination energy, forms a strong root system, improves winter hardiness of stems and tillering coefficient.
  2. The O-RISE “Zinc + Copper” – increases thermoprotective properties – the culture tolerates unfavorable conditions better medication Antiseptic properties. It helps to protect against fusarium, rust and freezing.
  3. PHOSPHORUS + POTASSIUM gives the development of the root system, early tillering, accumulation of sugars.

The effect of the application can be viewed in the “Results” section of the website. The telephone number of the agricultural support hotline – *2601.

Zoloto Poley Press Service
