
Company requisites "Zoloto Poley"

Full name Limited Liability Company "Zoloto Poley"
Abbreviated name OOO "Zoloto Poley"
TIN/CRIN 2635802057/263501001
OGRN 1112651001165
Legal address 355029, Russia, Stavropol Territory, Stavropol, Lenin str., 452 A
Actual address 160 Dzerzhinskogo St., Stavropol, 355025, Russia, Europark Business Center, floor 6
Director, acting on the basis of the Charter Klets Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Bank Central Branch of VTB Bank (PAO) in Moscow
Current account 40702810310590001085
BIC 044525411
Corr/cc. 30101810145250000411