manufacturer of organochelates

“Zoloto Poley”. The personnel reserve is the key to the future of the company.

On March 27, 2023, the finals of the National Technology Olympiad were held. The All-Russian Interdisciplinary Olympiad “National Technology Olympiad” (NTO) is a team engineering competition for schoolchildren and students, uniting participants from all regions of Russia to solve priority technological problems facing the country.

The developers of the various NTO profiles are the leading universities, state companies and leaders of the technological industries in Russia. Sixty-two teams competed for the finals, and only six of them were recognized as finalists. The teams included future scientists from Vladimir, Kaliningrad, Kurgan, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk, Moscow regions and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District. The National Technological Olympiad is coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation together with the NTI Circle Movement and supported by Russia – Land of Opportunities, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and the NTI Platform. The profile was organized by the North Caucasian Federal University (NCFU with the support of ” Zoloto Poley “).
Future technologists – the personnel reserve of the company “Zoloto Poley”, which will eventually join the friendly team of the company and will develop new products for plant nutrition and health.

Press center of the company “Zoloto Poley”


