manufacturer of organochelates

Fertilizers containing potassium

Potassium is an alkaline metal that occurs naturally only in combination with other elements.

Directly affects the yield of plants. Potassium in complex fertilizers is used to increase the rate of flower and fruit formation. Such fertilizers are necessary to maintain active growth of potatoes, corn and other vegetables, and grapes. Grain crops are less sensitive to insufficient potassium in the soil.

Application of potassium in agriculture

In agriculture, potassium is used in seed dressing to protect plants from pests, adverse factors and aggressive environmental conditions. Also, gardeners and farm owners use complex compositions with potassium in liquid fertilizer as part of pre-sowing preparation. This helps in an ecological and as safe as possible for the soil to ensure excellent germination of seeds and quality further growth of plants.

Types of fertilizers with potassium

The choice of potash fertilizers is huge. They come in liquid and dry forms. Fertilizers with potassium also differ in composition. For fertilizing vegetables use potassium permanganate. The fertilizer contains magnesium and potassium. Potassium salt is used to fertilize fruit crops and sugar beets. Potassium nitrate stimulates plant growth. In addition to potassium, it also contains nitrogen.

But agronomists, farmers prefer to use liquid complex fertilizers with potassium. They have an active form, have the ability to solve several problems arising in the cultivation of fruits, berries, crops and vegetables.

Advantages of potassium in liquid form in complex fertilizers

Liquid fertilizers are absorbed by plants much faster. As a result, it is possible to simultaneously increase growth, protect seeds by potassium dressing, and avoid infestation of young plants by parasites.

Advantages of liquid organochelate fertilizers with potassium:

  • high solubility of useful substances up to their complete absorption by plants;
  • the ability to carry out safe and effective seed pre-sowing treatment with potassium in liquid form;
  • protection of plants from the stress that occurs during pesticide dressing;
  • support of all crop growth and development processes with increased germination and overall yields.

Liquid fertilizers with potassium and trace elements in chelated form are assimilated by plants by 90% and more, while from other forms of fertilizers cultures get only 20-30% of useful substances.
