Fulvic acid is a substance of natural origin, a consequence of the work of bacteria and microorganisms.
It is released during the decomposition and oxidation of humus. The molecular weight of this acid is small enough to pass through cell membranes. This promotes the breakdown, dissolved in it, minerals and organic substances to ions. This acid is an excellent conductor of vitamins and minerals. Thanks to this, the percentage of absorption of additives at the cellular level reaches 95-99%. Despite the fact that it has been noticed quite recently, this remedy has already become one of the most unique nutrient enhancers. It was also nicknamed “the elixir of life.
One of its most important properties is its ability to enrich plants with minerals necessary for growth and development. And also, remaining in the chemical composition of the product to enrich the human body as a whole. Not a permanent chemical composition helps fulvic acid fight bacteria in plants, preventing the latter from developing immunity.
The second, no less important, plus is that fulvic acid in its own way filters the chemicals of the soil, being a natural antibiotic.Third, this acid is one of the more enriched with useful substances (10 vitamins,74 organic minerals, 18 amino acids). And thanks to the content of photonic energy, which is converted into chemical energy, it strengthens the cells of both plants and animals.
Fulvic acid is of great importance in:
- regulation of plant energy and the most important biochemical processes;
- increasing the work of enzymes and normalizing metabolism;
- regeneration of living tissues of plants and animals;
- freeing cells from decay products and toxins;
- The plant also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Plants need fertilizer throughout their lives. In the past, fertilizers often contained salts that could damage the soil, but now the technology does not stand still. Scientists have developed organochelate fertilizers with fulvic acids, which greatly increases the absorption of minerals and vitamins. Chelates represent the newest word in the fertilizer world, helping the plant get more than 90% of its nutrients. They play the role of delivering the micronutrient to its destination, the plant cell. At the same time chelates are absolutely organic due to their structure as close as possible to natural substances.
The company ” Zoloto Poley ” produces a line of fertilizers ORISE with high content of fulvic acids. Organic, complex organo-chelate fertilizers, mono fertilizers, as well as special products (mono-plus fertilizers) for precision farming were developed and are produced for agrarians.