manufacturer of organochelates

Mono Boron

Mono Bor — Fertilizer in liquid form with high boron content.

It ensures a regular supply of the missing substance to all parts of the plant. Boron is especially needed during critical periods of crop growth. Fertilizer Mono Bor increases plant resistance to stress factors, temperature drop, and has a positive effect on the overall yield and quality of agricultural products.

Signs of boron deficiency in various crops

Crop roots, shoots, and growth points begin to die off when boron is deficient. Also, the ovaries fall off, and the process of fruit formation is disrupted. Lack of boron leads to dry rot of root crops. The overall yield decreases.

Lack of boron negatively affects the formation of the root system, delaying the flowering period. The stems themselves begin to crack, and the quality of overwintering deteriorates. Sunflowers also need a regular supply of boron. If it is lacking, there are characteristic distortions in the form of blisters on the leaves, the stems begin to crack, seed formation is disturbed, and the baskets become deformed. Severe boron deficiency leads to a lack of flowers.

Mechanism of action of the fertilizer  Mono Bor

Mono Bor has a complex effect on plants. The liquid form is more than 90% absorbed. Once in the soil or inside the seeds, the active ingredients begin to take a direct part in the process of cell division. This promotes more active growth of the plant, despite the occurrence of adverse weather conditions.

Fertilizer Mono Bor enhances enzyme activity, increases pollen tube growth and germination rate. Feeding also stimulates all metabolic processes in cells, facilitating the outflow of substances formed during photosynthesis directly into the root crops and bulbs.

The mechanism of action of the fertilizer in liquid form is associated with a positive effect on all plant development processes. Fertilizer application Mono Bor helps, among other things, to prevent common problems faced by farm owners.

Advantages of fertilizer  Mono Bor in liquid form

The liquid form of the fertilizer is not only convenient, but also effective: active ingredients quickly penetrate, accumulate in all parts of the plant, prevent the development of diseases, stimulate growth.

The main advantages of chelate fertilizer  Mono Bor:

  • the boron concentration in the chelate fertilizer is as high as possible – (O-RISE Bor (WHO)- 606 g/l);
  • bor is in an organic bioavailable form;
  • low fertilizer consumption.

Using Mono Bor, you can significantly save on fertilizer application by reducing the total number of treatments due to the high nutrient uptake and high boron content.

Effectiveness of applying Mono Bor

Agronomists have had time to evaluate the effect of mono fertilizers.

Fertilizer Mono Bor:

  • contributes to high yields;
  • improves the growth and development of crops that require boron and growing conditions;
  • increases resistance to adverse weather factors, including the effects of low and high temperatures;
  • prevents rot and other diseases.

Mono Bor also improves the overall quality of fruits and harvested crops. Sugar beets, potatoes, grapes and other plants reveal more vitamins, minerals, useful amino acids than in seasons when such fertilizers were not used. Mono Bor fertilizer increases the number of nodule bacteria, which gives legumes the ability to assimilate nitrogen from the atmosphere. Peas, lentils, clover, and alfalfa grow fastest because of this feature. The nodule bacteria are also capable of producing B vitamins, essential to the plant, and other substances, including those that affect the growth process of legumes.

Features of Use

It is recommended to use fertilizers to eliminate signs of boron deficiency and prevent its occurrence of various plants: rape, cereals, legumes, vegetables, sunflowers, corn, potatoes, grapes, shrubs, trees, perennial grasses, sugar beets.

See the manufacturer’s instructions for use for the dosage and specifics of use of Mono Bor. Fertilizer is used for foliar feeding throughout the growing season, root feeding.

The treatment is carried out in the morning and evening in windless and dry weather. Fertilizer application is not recommended during periods of high sunshine and on hot days.

For more information on O-RISE Mono Bor fertilizer, see MONO FERTILIZERS.
