Complex liquid fertilizers with trace elements are specially selected compositions for feeding crops.
Such products contain microelements, macronutrients, other useful substances necessary for plant growth and development. Complex fertilizers with trace elements are also used for pre-sowing treatment of seeds, elimination of stress that may occur after pesticide treatments, the effects of adverse environmental factors.
Complex liquid fertilizers with trace elements are represented in the Russian market in a large range.
One of the most effective is considered an organochelate form of complex liquid fertilizer with trace elements. It gives a high assimilability of useful substances, does not harm the soil and solves the various problems associated with feeding plants and increase their protective properties.
Organochelate form of liquid complex fertilizers
Liquid complex fertilizers consist of an organic basis, which contains the substances necessary to maintain all the vital processes of plants. This form is distinguished by the fact that it gives 90% or more assimilation of all components.
Complex fertilizers can include the following useful substances: nitrogen, potassium phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, molybdenum and other elements.
Chelating agents promote rapid and complete penetration of useful elements to all parts of the plant, support leaf and root nutrition. Also, chelates have a positive effect on the nutritional value of crops (read more in the article “Chelate Fertilizers”). Fertilizers promote the accumulation of useful substances inside plants, increasing not only the overall yield, but also the high quality of fruits, berries, vegetables and grains.
Advantages of liquid fertilizer
The main advantage of liquid complex fertilizers with trace elements in chelate form is a high degree of penetration of useful components inside plants. Unlike traditional supplements, which give only 20-30% assimilation, chelates are much more effective. Thanks to a multi-component composition and the presence of chelating agents, the crops accumulate the necessary micro- and macroelements. They go not only for nutrition, but also to protect the plant from increased moisture or drought, the action of other aggressive factors.
The high level of assimilation of useful substances, which often exceeds 90%, saves material resources for owners of farms and agricultural enterprises. Complex fertilizers solve many problems. Among them:
- Comprehensive cellular nutrition.
- Increasing resistance to stress factors (adaptogen, thermoprotector, inhibitor). Strengthening the immune system.
- Soil Activator. Growth stimulant. Increased photosynthesis.
- Strengthening of field germination.
- Strengthening the root system. Increase in green mass. More ovaries. Acceleration of crop ripening.
- Improvement of quality indicators (oil, sugar, gluten content), Improvement of protein metabolism.
- Increase the yield of various crops by 10-50% or more.
- Acceleration of natural humification processes. Increasing soil fertility.
- Reducing the rate of NPK and NRW application.
- Binding of heavy metals in the soil.
The company ” Zoloto Poley ” offers O-RISE all-inclusive complex fertilizer with an optimal set of micro-, macro- and meso-elements in organic and chelate form. The results of this drug can be seen in the “Results” section, as well as on the main page of the website in the brochure “Results of use” with feedback from agricultural producers. Buy a complex fertilizer, as well as get detailed information about the products of the company “Gold Fields” can be obtained from the managers on *26-01 (free call in Russia).