manufacturer of organochelates

Frost resistance of plants

Frost tolerance is the ability of plants to tolerate temperatures from 0°C and below.

This ability depends on both hereditary characteristics of crops and growing conditions preceding the formation of ice and the onset of cold weather. The most dangerous are sudden temperature changes. They lead to excessive dehydration of plant cells. But quality seed dressing and foliar treatments reduce the risk of crop failure.

What factors affect frost resistance

Frost resistance is one of the important characteristics that helps to cope with adverse climatic conditions and prolonged periods of low temperatures.

The main factors that affect the frost resistance of crops:

  • the height of the snow cover;
  • Choosing the right planting location;
  • the amount of nutrients in plants and soil, the quality of fertilizers;
  • soil moisture level.

Young and old plants winter worse and need special attention of the agronomist, timely application of fertilizers. It is important not to neglect the natural protection of crops from low temperatures – snow. Snow cover mitigates the effects of winter and prevents the negative effects of sudden changes in temperature. If there is not enough snow, it is necessary to provide additional snow retention. If there is an excess of snow cover, its surplus must be removed at the end of the winter.

A huge role in increasing frost tolerance is played by proper nutrition and the application of complex fertilizers, which affect carbohydrate metabolism, increase glucose levels in plants and promote important biochemical reactions that enhance the natural resistance of various crops. The nutritional components multiply the yield and value of the final product to the consumer.

Peculiarities and rules of fertilizer application to increase plant stability

When growing plants, especially winter crops, nitrogen fertilizers must be controlled. It is forbidden to use them just before a prolonged frosty period.

Potassium has a positive effect on increasing plant resistance to low temperatures. When using complex and mono-fertilizers with this element it is possible to increase carbohydrate metabolism, increase the amount of sugars in plant tissues and activate photosynthesis. It is also recommended to pay attention to the inclusion of phosphorus in feedings. It affects cell division and relieves the effects of stress, which is a prolonged cold period.

Before using any organochelate fertilizer complex, read the enclosed instructions. To prepare a working solution, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Leaf feeding should not be done before rain or during periods of extreme heat. It is ideal to apply complex and mono-fertilizers early in the morning or evening when there is no strong wind or rain.

At the company “Zoloto Poley” you can buy organohelate complex fertilizers from the manufacturer, which have passed all the necessary research and proved high efficiency in the cultivation of various agricultural and horticultural crops. In addition to providing the necessary nutrition, chelated forms of fertilizers significantly increase the resistance of plants not only to low temperatures, but also to the lack of moisture, the negative impact of various parasites.

Quality organochelate complex fertilizers can contain several chemical elements and trace elements at once. Their positive effect on the growth and development of plants can prevent the adverse effects of contact of various crops with low temperatures. Mono-fertilizers should be used to accumulate sugars and increase bound water content. These preparations increase the accumulation of sugars, which greatly increases the plant’s resistance to low temperatures.

Particular attention should be paid to organomineral fertilizers with humic and fulvic acids. Micronutrient preparations are also used for pre-sowing seed treatment. Fertilizers are also applied throughout the growing season to increase yields, provide plants with all necessary nutrients and protect crops from dangerous parasites and infectious diseases.

You can order complex fertilizers and mono fertilizers, get detailed information about the products of the company “Zoloto Poley” and agro-consultation from the managers of the department of agricultural support by phone *26-01 (a call in Russia is free).
