One of the important agro-technical methods used by Russian agrarians in intensive technologies of growing agricultural products is a comprehensive pre-sowing treatment of seeds with pesticides and microfertilizers.
Dressing significantly increases the resistance of germinating seeds to common types of pests, plant diseases (root rot). Micronutrients stimulate the appearance of friendly shoots, accelerated development of crops in the early stages of vegetation.
Features of application, advantages
In the domestic segment of the market of microfertilizers, products of the brand “Zoloto Poley” proved themselves well. The company specializes in the production of highly effective concentrated fertilizers with increased content of such important trace elements as manganese, cobalt, boron, copper, iron, zinc, sulfur and others. Ions of these elements are contained in complex organomineral fertilizers – in the form of chemical compounds with organic matter. Because of this, they are fully absorbed by the developing plant and do not interact with the salts of the soil.
Several methods of seed pretreatment are used: dry, wet, and wet. The most effective is considered wet, in which seeds are sprayed with a prepared working solution (emulsion) containing active ingredients and wetting agents. Processed and dried seed stores well, without losing its consumer properties. Other advantages of this method of treatment, in particular, include:
- uniform distribution and low fertilizer consumption;
- равномерное распределение и низкий расход удобрения;
- Versatility of application (for different types of crops).
Russian agricultural producers have a good experience of using concentrated organochelate complex and mono-fertilizers of O’Rise brand produced by Zoloto Poley during the cultivation of various crop products. The use of organomineral microfertilizers increases the profitability of agribusiness. In particular, the pre-sowing treatment of cereal seeds in combination with 1-2 foliar feedings increases the yield. This increases the quality of commercial grain – gluten and protein content. Photo with the results of pre-sowing seed treatment in the “Results” section.