Spring rape grows actively only on specially prepared and fertile soil.
Lack of certain micronutrients can lead to pest breeding and loss of more than 70% of the crop. The main enemies of rapeseed are leaf beetle, cabbage moth and cruciferous flea. These pests can destroy crops in just a few days. But timely application of herbicides and fungicides in combination with quality fertilizers in organochelate form allows you to get a high yield and avoid problems with common pests of this crop.
Growth and development phases of spring rape
Crop productivity depends largely on a plant’s ability to go through all phases of development. The growing season of spring rape lasts about 40 days. It takes more than 80 days for the seeds to fully mature, depending on the variety used.
The main stages of organogenesis of rape:
- The growth cone in the form of a small tubercle, which has a hemispherical shape and the rudiments of two leaves;
- beginning of the formation of rudimentary stem leaves, doubling of the cone tubercle;
- a large number of tubercles on the growing cone, differentiation of the main axis of the inflorescence rudiment, formation of the inflorescence axis;
- laying of second-order growth cones;
- the end of the formation of stamen and pistillate tubercles;
- the formation of pistils and stamens;
- the end of the formation of the generative organs of the flower and inflorescence;
- formation of inflorescence on the main and lateral axes;
- flowering, fertilization of ovaries;
- fruit formation and growth;
- active process of seed ripening with the accumulation of stored substances;
- completion of the seed ripening process.
The effect of fertilizers on the growth of spring rape is noticeable from the beginning of the growing season. For an active accumulation of organic matter it is recommended to use nitrogen-phosphate fertilizers. Mono-fertilizer can be used at the initial stage of plant development.
Spring rape also needs a complex fertilizer application. The most valuable to the plant are boron and manganese. Spring rape is characterized by high nitrogen export, which is up to 6 kg per 1 kg of seeds. Nitrogen fertilizer is applied in fractions. The first time nitrogen is used is before sowing or immediately after sowing. The second time the fertilizer is applied in the phases when the plant is stretching. The third time nitrogen is applied at the time when budding occurs and stemming stops, but if the soil is sufficiently moist.
Problems of cultivation and nutrition of spring rape
Spring rape has been a highly profitable crop for many years. Rapeseed oil is comparable to olive oil in its composition of fatty acids. The cake that remains after processing the plant is actively used as an indispensable source of protein for cattle and poultry.
Rapeseed is widely used to produce biofuel. But in order to get a rich harvest, it is necessary to organize the correct and timely nutrition of the crop. To protect against common diseases, fungicides are used during the growing season in combination with complex fertilizers. Spring rape is very fond of foliar feedings, especially those containing nitrogen. Potassium and phosphorus intake increases during flowering. Feeding with sulfur should be used during the period of grain formation.
Herbicide treatments can cause signs of plant stress, which can be minimized with liquid compound fertilizers.
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