manufacturer of organochelates

Mono copper

Mono-Copper fertilizer is used to prevent and treat copper deficiency in agricultural plants.

This trace element has a positive effect on the growth and development of various crops. High copper content increases the protective properties of plants, increases yields, prevents lodging cereals.

Signs of copper deficiency in crops

Copper deficiency is more common in plants that grow on sandy, peaty soils. The micronutrient primarily affects the growth of the crop. Wheat, barley, oats, and fruit trees are most sensitive to copper deficiency. The availability of the trace element is also affected by weather conditions and the zinc content of the soil.

The main signs of copper deficiency:

  • curl of leaves mainly near the location of the middle vein;
  • Root development disorders, which become too thin and have lateral roots;
  • delayed stemming;
  • die-off of shoot tips;
  • heterogeneity of plant color, the appearance of light or brown spots;
  • the discovery of empty ears.

The trace element copper is mainly concentrated in the upper layers of the soil. Its excess is rare, mostly on acidified soils. Plants need about 5-20 mg/kg of copper. In most soils, this trace element is in a form that is not easily accessible. During dry seasons, the bioavailability of copper derived from soil decreases markedly. This negatively affects all crops and reduces the amount of crops that can be harvested. To solve this problem, agronomists and farm managers use Mono-Copper liquid fertilizer.

Results and effectiveness of Mono-Copper fertilizer application

The company ” Zoloto Poley” is engaged in the production of fertilizers in a bioavailable liquid chelate form. Mono-Copper contains copper, fulvic and humic acids. This composition ensures rapid and complete absorption of all nutrients.

Humic and fulvic substances in nature are formed during the decomposition of plant residues. These substances are involved in biochemical processes occurring inside the cells of crops and outside – in soil layers. Mono-Copper fertilizer is in liquid form, which makes it most effective for the treatment and prevention of copper deficiency.

The benefits of copper in chelated form:

  • The benefits of copper in chelated form:
  • increases the amount of protein in plants;
  • increases resistance of crops to pests, fungus growth, whitefly;
  • prevents active lodging of cereals;
  • positively affects biochemical processes in plant cells;
  • promotes the formation of redox enzymes.

Modern liquid fertilizer is easy to use because it is in the form of a solution with a high concentration of copper. The trace element is in chelated form, which ensures its active penetration into all parts of the crop, including the leaf surface.

Chelates reduce the chemical load on the soil due to a high degree of absorption of micronutrients. Chelates reduce the chemical load on the soil due to a high degree of absorption of micronutrients. Fertilizer does not form crystals inside the soil and does not enter into any potentially dangerous chemical reactions.

Rules of Application

Liquid fertilizer Mono-Copper is recommended for crops that are sensitive to copper deficiency. These are mostly cereals, but also fruit trees and shrubs. The dose of fertilizer is calculated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

It is recommended to treat several times per season. Fertilizer is used before sowing seeds to simultaneously perform their dressing and increase germination. Mono-Copper is also used for foliar feeding during the whole growing season. The average fertilizer consumption is 1 liter per hectare.

Water and pre-mixed fertilizer are added to the dressing tank or irrigation system. The treatment is recommended in the morning or evening when there is no strong wind or rain. It is acceptable to use the fertilizer with agrochemicals and pesticides (prevention of fungal diseases, chlorosis), but you must first check the compatibility of all components using a model working solution. This treatment helps relieve the effects of stressful crop dressings with pesticides.

You can read more about O-RISE Mono Copper in the Mono Fertilizer section.

To order the mono fertilizer “O-RISE Mono Copper,” as well as get detailed information about the products of the company ” Zoloto Poley”, you can contact the managers of the department of agricultural support by calling *26-01 (a free call in Russia).

Articles on the topic – «Organochelate Mono Fertilizers», «Chelate Fertilizers», «ulvic Acid for Plants».
