manufacturer of organochelates

Leaf nutrition of plants

Feeding through the root system is sometimes not enough for full plant life and high yields.

In this case, an important and effective agricultural technique is used – leaf feeding of plants. To get the desired result and a positive effect on the plants, you need to know how to properly, when and in what amount to use foliar nutrition.

The plant’s obtaining of nutrients from the environment is a process of movement of chemical elements from the outside into the plant itself. At this point, there is a positive change that helps nourish the young crop with all the necessary trace elements, oxygen, carbon and other elements.

When the elements hit the leaves and stems, they are transported and penetrated by two mechanisms:

  • Apoplastic movement – movement occurs from cell to cell (passive);
  • Symplastic movement – moving through vascular channels (active).

Peculiarities of leaf nutrition, mechanism of action

Leaf nutrition involves replenishing the missing substances of the crop. The most popular and sought-after complexes are the organochelate forms. They are as close as possible to natural components, have a positive effect on living organisms, have organic compounds that ensure proper, safe and effective nutrition. Leaves and stems of plants easily and easily absorb the applied complexes, which cannot be said about other complexes.

Advantages and disadvantages of leaf nutrition

The benefits of feeding plants through leaves:

  • Minimalism – the consumption of leaf feeding compared to root feeding is many times less;
  • Efficiency – Root feeding guarantees 30-60% nutritional efficiency and leaf feeding guarantees 80-90% efficiency;
  • Safety – preserves the environment, reduces the concentration of chemical compounds in the ground;
  • Reliability – distributes nutrients evenly throughout the plant;
  • Quality – the result is visible in the minimum time, so you can restore the plant and replenish the minerals during the growing season.

The minuses:

  • If not concentrated correctly, it can burn the plant;
  • Untimely or “wrong” (the wrong complex) nutrition does not always fully replenish the missing elements.

Goals, objectives, and rules of leaf nutrition

The main task of leaf feeding is to regulate the amount of micronutrients the plant needs. But the adjustment of developmental phases, disease and pest control do not fall by the wayside either. The plant is programmed for a quality, safe harvest, achieving the maximum amount of it.

Rules of Leaf Nutrition

  1. Observance of the exact proportion of the working solution. Incorrect proportions can lead to burns (excessive concentration) or lack of desired results (not enough fertilizer).
  2. The external environment. Humidity, temperature, and lighting are especially important. High temperatures can cause plant burns, low humidity means less nutrients go inside the stem and leaves.
  3. The use of the “right complexes.” Selecting a quality fertilizer requires a leaf diagnosis of plant nutrition. After determining the missing elements and minerals, a fertilizer is chosen that compensates for the elements, vitamins, etc. to a greater extent. which are insufficient in a particular culture.

Advantages of organochelate complex fertilizers for foliar nutrition

Organo-chelate complexes involve saturating crops with essential micronutrients to increase yields and shorten maturation periods, which are applied during the growing season. Due to highly concentrated mixtures, the pesticide load on plants is reduced, the quality indicator of yield is programmed, the dose of fertilizers in the soil is reduced, and the plant receives the amount of substances needed for growth and development.

Many growers use organochelate monofertilizer in liquid form for foliar application.

With proper use of fertilizer, compliance with the recommendations for the technology of application (humidity, temperature, concentration) positive characteristics are guaranteed.
