manufacturer of organochelates

Fertilizer for winter rapeseed

Winter rape is very picky about mineral nutrition. The crop needs timely applications of nitrogen, calcium, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, and phosphorus.

You can use both complex fertilizers and mono-preparations. A comprehensive approach to the organization of mineral nutrition of winter rape is recommended.

How useful is fertilizer for winter rape

Fertilizers for winter rape are used for different purposes. The main one is to increase yields and profits for agribusiness owners.

The main goals of fertilizer application:

  • plant growth stimulation;
  • increasing the frost resistance of plants;
  • activation of photosynthesis;
  • getting a good harvest;
  • increasing the stress tolerance of the plant.

Fertilizer for winter rape is applied from the beginning of sowing to the appearance of 4-6 leaves. Both root and leaf feeding can be used. Special attention is paid to seed dressing. Winter rape is extremely sensitive to pests and negative environmental influences at the beginning of its growth.

Nitrogen additives

The nitrogen requirement of rapeseed is about 80-100 kg/ha. This volume is divided into roughly equal parts and used in the fall, during the growing season and at the beginning of flowering of the crop. Nitrogen is responsible for increasing the yield of the plant. Also, mono fertilizers affect the quality characteristics of seeds: increase the protein and fat content.

Phosphorus nutrition

Phosphorus is responsible for the proper formation of a strong root system, increases seed productivity, promotes rapid maturation and increases crop resistance to lodging. A soil analysis is recommended before applying the fertilizer.

Potassium nutrition

Potassium is used mainly to increase the resistance of the crop to various adverse conditions. Also, this macronutrient prevents the reproduction of pests (cruciferous fleas) and diseases, lodging plants, contributes to the high oil content of seeds and the formation of large amounts of nectar.

Calcium nutrition

Calcium increases the overall bioavailability of winter rape, promotes more complete absorption of phosphorus, nitrogen and other substances. That is why you can not neglect the complex fertilizers. They contain components that work “in tandem. Calcium also increases the plant’s resistance to fungi.

Magnesium supply

Magnesium ensures active flowering, maintaining the process of photosynthesis. If you don’t have enough, the leaves will curl and turn yellow. Magnesium deficiency also causes delayed flowering. This negatively affects the yield of the plant.

Sulfuric feeding

Sulfur is responsible for the intensity of root system growth, the process of flower fertilization, and the plant’s resistance to gray rot and other common winter rape diseases. With a lack of sulfur plant leaves become “marbled” color, chlorosis develops, the seeds are formed small or they are absent at all.

Micronutrients for winter rape

Micronutrients are also important for winter rape. The crop is most sensitive to a lack of molybdenum, manganese and boron. You can estimate a plant’s micronutrient needs by determining the PH of the soil solution and general soil analysis.

Representatives of agribusiness, large and small farmers undeservedly underestimate the importance of micronutrients for growth and development of winter rape because of their lack of direct impact on yields. But molybdenum, boron and manganese make the crop protected and help build immunity. And this, in turn, indirectly affects the yield and profit. Micronutrient deficiencies lead to stunted growth points, reduced chlorophyll and fewer flowers.

Combined application with fungicides

Fungicides protect winter rape from diseases and increase the plant’s resistance to external factors. Agrochemicals kill most pathogens, preventing pests from growing and affecting different parts of the crop. Fungicides can be combined with insecticides used for seed dressing. Combination with organochelate fertilizers is also possible.

Phases of application of organochelate fertilizers

Agronomists know well that fertilizing winter rape must be done clearly and without delay. Otherwise, you can lose up to 70% of the crop.

The first treatment, which is extremely important for rapeseed, is seed dressing. It increases field germination, provides vigorous growth, protects against disease, and increases yields.

Phases of the following treatments:

  • The beginning of the rosette or four leaves. Feeding winter rape by leaf is extremely important. It provides active photosynthesis and the production of carbohydrate compounds that ensure good overwintering. Also, leaf nutrition enhances the receipt of sugars by the root system. This increases the overall winter hardiness of the plant.
  • Beginning of stemming. In this phase, the stem begins to actively grow. Magnesium, potassium, nitrogen are used.
  • Budding. From this period only leaf feeding of winter rape is applied.

The benefits of leaf feeding

Leaf feeding of winter rape compensates for the lack of substances that the plant did not receive from root nutrition. Both complex organochelate and mono fertilizers can be used. Leaf nutrition necessarily includes the application of mono boron, which is responsible for the processes of fertilization and reproduction of plants: the growth of pollen tubes, the appearance of pollen, increase in flowers and fruits. Agronomists also use mono sulfur, manganese, and molybdenum.

Leaf feeding is best done during the rosette emergence phase and just before flowering. Many substances, especially boron, have low mobility in the soil, which can be corrected by the use of organochelate fertilizers. It is also the feeding of the crop by the leaf that solves the problem.

Organochelate fertilizers “O-RISE”, produced by “Zoloto Poley”, produced by a unique technology. As a result, low-molecular-weight humic acid is formed. Together with micronutrients it provides complete nutrition of winter rape.

At “Zoloto Poley”, you can order the right fertilizer in an easily digestible organochelate form. At each stage of production, strict quality and safety control of the created products is carried out. The primary tasks for the company are human interests, as well as the preservation of the natural richness of the soil. You can read the O-RISE application program for winter rape and the results of application on our website.

The details of the order, advice on the proper choice of drugs and the current prices can be obtained from the company’s representatives by calling *26-01.
